West Grace Street Housing Project
On-campus housing provides an affordable, supportive living and learning environment for new and returning students and continues to show a positive impact on student success. During the 2022-2023 academic year, 85.7% of on-campus first-year students continued to their sophomore year as compared to 81.9% of off-campus first-year students, and on-campus residents at every level (first-year, sophomore, junior and senior) outperformed their off-campus counterparts academically. The new West Grace Street Housing Project, an undergraduate residential housing facility, will replace the 518 beds in Johnson Hall and provide additional beds to meet increased demand, totaling approximately 1,000 to 1,250 semi-suite and apartment style beds.
Project Status: Pre-planning phase of study
Location: 700 block of W. Grace Street
Where it is on the Six-Year Capital Plan: First biennium (2024-2026)
Estimated Timeline: Depends on funding approval
Funding Source: To be determined
Primary Consultant: To be determined
It is important to note that undertaking a pre-planning study does not guarantee that a particular project will come to fruition. Issues such as funding availability or a shift in priorities can delay or even cancel a project from becoming a reality.
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