Master Plan map rendering

School of Dentistry

VCU is home to the Commonwealth's only dental school and is the only facility in the state offering complete multidisciplinary care. The current School of Dentistry buildings are beyond their useful life, do not meet educational or patient care needs, and have significant accessibility issues and deferred maintenance estimated in excess of $75 million. When the school turns away emergency care patients due to lack of adequate space, it leads to expensive and preventable emergency room visits and loss of student educational opportunities. The proposed new School of Dentistry will provide state-of-the-art equipment and technology serving more than 500 students as well as maximizing care for patients from across the Commonwealth, including underserved populations. It brings together general and speciality clinics, multiple cutting-edge academic laboratories, and associated contemporary support spaces — aligning with modern practices in dental education, enhancing patient care, advancing the academic (non-sponsored) research mission, improving faculty and student recruitment, and allowing for increased enrollment. The project places a strong emphasis on mobility, safety, campus unification, synergy among programs, and celebrating VCU’s unique urban setting and rich history.

Project Status: Pre-planning phase of study

Location: Co-location on the Larrick Student Center site

Where it is on the Six-Year Capital Plan: First biennium (2024-2026)

Estimated Timeline: Depends on funding approval

Funding Source: VCU requested funding from the Commonwealth of Virginia

Pre-planning Consultant: Hanbury

It is important to note that undertaking a pre-planning study does not guarantee that a particular project will come to fruition. Issues such as funding availability or a shift in priorities can delay or even cancel a project from becoming a reality. 

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