Front Doors
Phase 1
The ONE VCU Master Plan targets 11 intersections in need of pedestrian-oriented accessibility and safety improvements. The first priority locations for improvements were the intersections at Shafer and Franklin Streets, Linden and Main Streets, and Cary and Harrison Streets. They are heavily traversed pedestrian routes with frequent vehicular movement. Intersections were retrofitted to provide safe, effective pedestrian crossings. Adjacent underutilized space on campus was revitalized as convenient, informal gathering spaces.
Project Status: Completed Spring 2022
Location: Intersections at Shafer and Franklin Streets, Linden and Main Streets, and Cary and Harrison Streets
Cost: $3.1 million
Where it is on the Six-Year Capital Plan: This project was listed in the 2020-2026 Six-Year Capital Plan
Funding Source: University funds
Primary Consultant: Waterstreet Studio
We want to hear from you!
If you have questions or feedback about this project or the ONE VCU Master Plan