Partnering with GRTC

August 1, 2018

Prior to kicking off the master planning process VCU and the VCU Health System embarked on a study (one of many that inform the master plan) to examine parking and transportation for students and employees at both the Monroe Park and MCV Campuses. The goal of the study was to assess and develop sustainable long-term strategies to meet the parking needs for the current and projected levels of development within the Monroe Park and MCV Campuses through 2025. Part of the study examined the feasibility of utilizing the existing Greater Richmond Transit Company (GRTC) routes to reduce parking demand, especially the new Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system. 

Picture of Pulse bus

(Photo courtesy GRTC)

This morning VCU announced a new partnership with GRTC that provides unlimited transportation access on GRTC's Pulse BRT and regular fixed-route bus service (local and express) to members of the VCU and VCU Health communities, at no cost. This is a direct result of the findings of the parking and transportation study and supports two of the major themes of the ONE VCU master plan:

Theme: Mobility and Safety

Goal: Promote a walkable, accessible, safe campus which is easy to navigate.

Strategy: Create a healthy and active campus supported by consistent and reliable transit.

Theme: Unify the Campus

Goal: Strengthen the heart of each campus and the collective VCU identity through strategies that connect the campuses to each other and to the city of Richmond.

Strategy: Ensure direct, timely, and reliable transit connections between campuses.

For more details, please read the press release and check out the story on VCU News.