ONE VCU Master Plan implementation

February 27, 2020

The ONE VCU Master Plan website now includes information about how projects identified in the plan evolve and eventually become part of our campuses and academic health center. Visitors can stay up-to-date and continue to offer feedback about projects currently underway as well as projects early in the planning phase. New details include:

  • How projects are prioritized and funded
  • How likely projects are to move forward
  • How projects align with the strategic priorities of the university and health system
  • How to continue to provide input
  • Other frequently asked questions

We remain committed to engaging, collaborating and communicating proactively, early and often regarding master planning implementation decisions and milestones. As always, we welcome questions and need ongoing advice and feedback to ensure an infrastructure that supports VCU’s bold, transformative vision for the future.

VCU adopted the ONE VCU Master Plan in March of 2019, creating a shared vision that identifies the physical framework necessary to support VCU and VCU Health System strategic priorities for years to come and plays an important role in how VCU evolves in partnership with a growing city. Input from the VCU community, as well as neighbors and community partners, was vital in shaping the ONE VCU Master Plan and we continue to welcome feedback and questions.